We will help you get off porn in a year or less without willpower and shame or we will work with you for free until you do.


Medicating Life is Average. Be Different.

Porn is ruining 9 in 10 men’s lives. Stop letting it ruin yours.

Fragile relationships; the hiding, the fear of being found out, the shame of repeated failure… 

Get your life, and your integrity, back.

Is this you?

Are you a man in the first 15 years of your career who feels like your relationships, your wealth and your health are far from where you want them to be?

Have you experienced traumas or addictions in your life you just can’t seem to shake or move beyond?

Are you tired of ending up in the same patterns, hamstrung by the same emotions and cut off at the knees by negative thinking?

We guarantee you walk out a free man - or you don’t pay a penny after 12 months.

Has anyone told you lately - you’re a stud. A man of immeasurable worth. The kind of dude other guys want to be like and look up to. But addiction and failure has a way of kicking our ass and telling us to stay down this time, doesn’t it? But not you, you’re here, you showed up, you’re in the game - to get free.

You are overflowing with incredible potential if you can harness it. You are capable of insane impact, if you will show up for it. You are designed for a wild, magnificent purpose, if you’re up for the adventure of your life.

— Joe Masek, Freedom Coach

Not ready to talk to our team?

Take the Porn Use Assessment to learn more about your relationship with porn.

It’s not just about porn. I have always wanted to be a man. Like a real, dangerous, capable, confident man. And that gap between who I honestly was and who I dreamt of becoming always felt nearly impossible to overcome. This was only reinforced when I would use porn and masturbation to medicate pain, boredom, isolation and discomfort.

What I really wanted:

  • was to be strong, physically fit, attractive and capable.

  • was to be mentally sharp, grounded, peaceful and clear.

  • was to be spiritually in tune, dangerous, not a victim of the enemy but a threat to hell.

But I had no clue how to get from where I was to where I wanted to be. Until I was helped out. Now I want to offer you the same.

Living with a craving for porn sucks…and it gets worse, the more you feed it.

I know because I have been there. I have taken the guesswork out of getting rid of porn, because I’ve been getting rid of porn myself, first. Created for porn users by former porn users.

I have spent 10+ years studying and learning the science, psychology, human behavior and spiritual principles and components so you don’t have to.

And I know, like you do, that porn is just the bandaid, just the “tip of the iceburg” of what you want.

Unleashing your Inner King to rule your kingdom is the prize.

The Porn Free System

12-Month Access to the Porn Free Training System

+ Complete Porn Free Education and Training Toolkit

+ Weekly Coaching Calls with a Freedom Coach

+ 1-1 Monthly Calls with a Freedom Coach

+ Daily Discomfort Discovery Plan

+ Exclusive Performance, Fitness and Mindset Coaching

+ Exclusive KingMakers community group

+ Private app to connect and track progress

+ PAY IT FORWARD: 10% of profit donated to help college guys.


    • Custom Sleep, Nutrition and Fitness Plan in our App ($3600 value)

    • 50% Annual Unlock Intensive Retreat ($2250 value)

Our Services

  • Coaching

    1-1 mentorship from our team - men who have been in your shoes. To share the road. Unpeel the layers. Chart the path of freedom together.

  • Freedom Groups

    Join a process group of 8-10 to get the support you need to confront the ugly truth. Face your fantasy and find the freedom your. heart has been trying to find.

  • Discomfort Discovery

    Check-in regularly with a man on the same journey as you. Find the support you need to uncover what your heart is telling you and what you need to engage with to be free.



FALL 2024


The UNLOCK Intensive is a transformative psychosomatic, spiritual experience designed to empower men in their journey to overcome addictions, anxiety, shame, and so much more. It aims to heal the boy so that we can unleash the man. Through a carefully curated program, participants engage in immersive activities, coach-led sessions, and group dynamics, fostering a holistic approach that not only eliminates cravings but cultivates lasting mental, physical and emotional transformation. You possess the key, ready to UNLOCK?

Step 2: Conquer the Inner Villain

Ready to break free from the chains and step into a life of purpose? Join our exclusive community—a powerhouse of knowledge and support from men just like you.

We've brought together a global tribe, all sharing a common goal: living a life with a higher purpose and conquering the obstacles that hold them back.

In this thriving community, we're constantly adding top-tier resources, tools, launching groups, hosting coaching and accountability to fast-track your journey to success. Take the plunge and click the button below to kickstart your transformation!

This isn’t for you if you:

  • are comfortable with living a craving dominated life.

  • are unmotivated to change.

  • believe your life is still manageable.

  • like being anxious, distracted, and numb.

  • don’t want deeper relationships.

  • don’t want to enjoy real life.

  • want to continue feeling neutered, neutralized, and powerless.

Step 1: Choose to live with PURPOSE

It all boils down to making the flippin’ choice to live a life of PURPOSE. Seriously, it's about your perspective on what purpose means to you.

For me, winning is all about happiness and inner peace. About cultivating freedom and value for those around me, and for building an engine of impact.

What is your prupose? What drives you? What is your creative outlet? That thing that makes you tick, your heart to race?

Refocusing and prioritizing PURPOSE in your life, unlocks your brain’s capacity to dismantle addiction.

Step 3: Invest in Your Freedom

You can keep trying to get better. You can keep telling yourself you’ll figure out how to do it on your own. Or you can join up with the men that are getting it done. No excuses. No shortcuts. The journey into the soul necessary to bring about the change your heart has been asking for.

Start stacking wins in your life and end the inner negotiation of self medication. The half-assing it is over. It is time to act. It’s time to win.

But only you can say yes to it and start to own ALL of your life. It’s time to mount up and do it.

There is More

Tired of hiding in your addiction while life around you consumes you? Being controlled by craving sucks, and we know the feeling. We also know how incredible it is to be free and pure men. 

Welcome to The Freedom Group, where we get the struggles of kicking the porn habit and advancing into the life you have always desired. We're all about helping regular guys like you ditch the addiction in a year or less, without the confusion and pain, the embarrassment of being found out, or the emotional toll of hiding. Picture this: personalized coaching, daily check-ins, and small group learning and processing. The average American man has 1.2 real friends – not you, not anymore – yeah, we're like your new squad. And once a year, we crank it up with an intensive retreat that's all about accessing more of your potential and unleashing your purpose.

It's not just about quitting; it's about diving into a life that's so much better without the constant pull of porn. Ready to kick it? Join The Freedom Group, where we're all about making your journey to a porn-free life kick-ass and hassle-free.